Here are the supplements I take and the reasons behind them in non-priority order:
Started to take it after I got COVID to counter long-term effects.
I also used it before to improve general energy levels.
I take 500mg before sleep every night. It improved my deep sleep. Before taking it, i had sporadic deep sleep episodes, averaging in 1h:07m/night. After taking manesium, my deep sleep became much more stable and avg increased to 1h:20m/night
This one lacks any studies proving it's effectiveness.
Well, i'm a geek. I spend mosts of my time inside.
Personalized multi-vitamin
From Rootine, doing a quarterly blood test. I'm not convinced about the usefulness of this kind of supplementation, but I haven't had time to experiment with not taking it.
I started to taking it after I had a small injury during a workout to help with recovery.
It's also beneficial for skin longevity
Combined with my Collagen (from Thorne)
Based on a suggestion from Dr. David Sinclair, I side this with a spoonful of yoghurt because they found that it increased absorbtion.
Whey protein
30g Before workout
From all the whey proteins I've tried, Ascent was the only one I didn't bloated up.
Casein protein
I usually eat a casein protein pudding for dinner before sleep with some blue berries, almond butter, chia seeds and walnuts
Helps with muscle recovery by improving protein synthesis during sleep
Little extra energy pre-workout. I feel like I have an extra lung when I take creatine vs when I don't.
Also a relatively newer study suggests it has positive effect on brain function as well: