My life goal is to live forever. Or more precisely to have an option to cease to exist at my own will instead of forced to die due to material decay.
My super secret plan to achieve this is really simple:
Step 1: Live long enough until an AGI comes around and figures out how to get rid of our chains to this rotting meat tower.
Step 2: Reap the benefits.
There are two risks in this plan:
AGI never comes around and I'll die at age 116 during an IronMan because I'm going to be healthy enough to do so.
AGI comes around and figures that it needs the carbon from my body to make more paper clips.
To achieve Step 1, I intend to do two things in the coming ~80 years:
Spend the next 40 years on work to extend human life- and health-span in general to reach the current known limit of 122 years.
Spend the following 40 years on work to develop an AGI that figures out how to upload our mind to the internet or replace our body parts with cybernetics or reverse aging completely or...
All the things I do, take, read, learn about/for longevity: